Featuring Marinera . Peru . Marinera Norteña . La Libertad . Marinera Trujillana . El Clan Burmester . La Concheperla . Marinera San Miguel De Piura . Marinera Ayacuchana . Arpa Peruana . Andina Instrumental . Los Hermanos Alvarado . Traidora . Marinera Limeña
La Marinera : La danza del Peru : The music starts and they watch one to the other to the eyes, through the distance that measures the assumed challenge. She, the always secure female, always provocative, always first, raises her handkerchief and she waves it with grace smiling to the love and to the life. She knows, in its brief and slowed down stroll, all the enchantment that the man wishes to conquer.
Peruvian Times : Peru’s Foreign Relations Ministry announced Wednesday that it has begun legal action to revoke a Peruvian woman’s trademark registration of a popular Peruvian dance in Chile. Cecilia Gurmendi, a former Marinera national champion in Peru, registered “Marinera” with Chile’s Trademark Registry in the Department of Industrial Property in November 2007.
Wikipedia : The origin of the Marinera is generally traced back to the Zamacueca. Nevertheless, there are various other theories about where it comes from. Traditional accompaniment for the dance is provided by a cajón, guitars and bugles.
TripAtlas : Ever since the 1960s, during the month of January, in the city of Trujillo a ‘National Contest of Marinera’ is held.
Whatsonwhen : The National Marinera Contest features around 500 people of all ages every year, divided up into six categories. For the top performers, cash prizes and deeply sought-after coloured handkerchieves can be won. Come and gain an insight into a dance that moves a nation.
Nicomedes Santa Cruz : He is the greatest exponent of black culture in Peru for he was the first poet to treat black issues highlighting the important and unequivocal contribution of the afroperuvian in the historical evolution of Peru.
Susana Baca : “My repertoire is both old and new, it has to be that way. Thats how you mature in life, and how you grow into your culture. I have traditional songs about the life of our grandparents in the countryside, others are more about rhythm and dancing…”
Eva Ayllon : Desde los años pre-escolares la pequeña Eva mostró indudables condiciones para el baile y canto, las excepcionales dotes mostradas en diversos eventos escolares son más adelante ratificadas en programas infantiles y juveniles de radio y televisión.
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